Sunday, February 22, 2009

Linkages between Marketing Customer service and Quality

Linkages between Marketing Customer service and Quality

Marketing is concerned with exchange relationships between organization, its customers, quality and customer service.

Quality – Perceived quality
- often based on research
- Matched between what customer expected and what they experience

Customer service- a broad range of company’s activities.

The linkages between Marketing customer service and quality must be exploited to achieve Total Customer satisfaction and Long term relationship.

Marketing and Customer service-
Customer service level should be determined by Research based.
Measurement of customer needs and competitors performance
Must recognized needs of different segments.

Marketing and Quality
Quality must be determined from the perspective of customer based research.
Regular based research and monitoring.

Customer service and Quality.
Total Quality Concept should influence process elements and people elements.
Process (e.g. designing out failure point)
People (e.g. managing of truth in the customer encounter)

The Role of Customer service.

Concerned with building of bonds with customers and other markets or groups to ensure long term relationship of mutual advantage

Can be seen as a process which provide time and place utilities for customers. Involves pre transaction, transaction and post transaction- relating the exchange process

Understand what customer buys and determining how additional value can be added

Decision is made in the contact of a larger marketing strategy.

Should form a key interface with this activity of marketing deals with the development of exchange relationship with customers.

The Role of Quality.

Change of focus from inspection production output to monitoring the variation.

Traditional quality inspection techniques always were inappropriate or ineffective.

Role of marketing here is liaison with operation and personnel managers to get quality planning cycle and the communication right.

The Role of Marketing.

It is concerned with dynamic interrelationship between a company’s product and services, the customer’s needs and wants, activities of the competition.

Focus on providing value satisfaction to customer

Marketing Framework

The marketing mix.

The important elements or ingredient that makes up the marketing program.

Marketing Forces.

The opportunities and threats which bear on marketing operation of an organization.

A Matching Process.

The strategic and managerial process of ensuring that the marketing mix and policies are appropriate to the marketing forces.