Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Evolution of Relationship Marketing.

1 1950’s Consumer Marketing Marketer realized the importance of including customer in their marketing programs-
This were the age of consumer marketing when corporate manufacturers and brand marketing concepts dominated the marketing agenda

2 1960’s Industrial Marketing Manufacturer acknowledge the importance of establish relationship with customer
Marketing was characterized by industrial marketing research.

3 1970’s Non Profit and Societal Marketing were a decade when attention started to be paid to the non-profit sector
Move from solely making profit to social responsibility

4 1980’s Services Marketing Attention to services sector, provide complimentary services to consumer and industrial sectors.

5 1990’s Relationship Marketing Came about due to the need to acquire, maintain and retain customers.

Relationship marketing involves 2 major considerations

1. Macro Level- The recognition that marketing impact on a wide range of areas : Customers markets, employee markets, supply markets, internal markets , referrals market and influencer markets.

2. Micro Level – The recognition that the nature of interrelation with customers has change – from Transaction Focus to Relationship Focus.